Thursday, December 26, 2019

Benefits Of Collaboration In The Workplace - 1242 Words

Collaboration in the workplace is nothing new. However, it is becoming increasingly important in the modern world as we become more connected around the globe. Cloud computing and faster internet connections has given rise to tools enabling employees to collaborate with colleagues effectively, producing a more educated, skilled and engaged workforce. Moreover, this collaboration is increasingly happening online, rather than in person. Why collaborate? The benefits of collaboration When working on a project, an individual often needs the input of other employees. By collaboration with others- different departments or even different offices, skills can be pooled to make the project more successful than it might otherwise be. Employee†¦show more content†¦Employees from different departments can add to the company wiki pages, offering a comprehensive and easily accessible resource for everyone within the organization. Blogging is useful internally for similar reasons to a wiki; employees with expertise in varying fields can share insights on the company blog, allowing other employees to access the information at their fingertips. Blogs are also a great way to promote internal news, events and achievements, helping employees gain a greater understanding of what the company is doing and cultivating a positive company culture. Online team workspaces enable members to easily participate in conversations, quickly share the most up-to-date documents and collaborate anywhere, anytime, on any device. Fortunately these tools and many more are offered as part of a good CMS and can be utilised to create a thriving digital workplace, resulting in a happier, more collaborative and engaged workforce The key to success, however, depends on the implementation of a digital workplace strategy - requiring one that is capable of driving true change within the organisation †¢ Understanding Enterprise Apps †¢ The Rise of Remote Workers †¢ The Need for Knowledge Management †¢ Enterprise Branding †¢ Document Sharing †¢ Video ConferencingShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Social Technology On The Workplace1166 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Technology in the Workplace The exploding growth of social technologies has drastically altered the way people communicate. As a result, the utilization of social technologies to move a business forward has become widespread. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Three Primary Types of Decision Making Systems - 1690 Words

Define the three primary types of decision-making systems, and explain how a customer of Actionly might use them to find business intelligence. The three primary types of decision-making systems are: the transactional support system, the management information system, and the decisions support system (, 2014). First, the transactional support system encompasses all of the information contained within a single business process or unit of work, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of daily operational or structured decisions. Some examples of transactional information are when customers purchase stocks, make an airline reservation, or withdraw cash from an A.T.M. (Baltzan, 54). A customer of Actionly could use†¦show more content†¦(Baltzan p.54) Analytical information encompasses all organizational information, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of managerial analysis or semi-structured decisions. Analytical information is used to identify and explain problems, market trends, sales, product statistics, and forecast future growth. (Baltzan p.55). The difference between transactional and analytical information is: transactional data drives operations, and analytical data drives strategy. Actionly would use both transactional and analytical information to create a digital dashboard for its customers. Analytical information such as social ROI, Twitter analytics, sentiment analysis, and competitive analysis are all forms of historical data. This historical data would then be utilized to observe marketplace trends, the successes or failures of a rival company’s new product launches, and acquisitions. This data could also be analyzed to monitor customer feedback and the brands reputation management. (Baltzan pp. 43-44). Transactional data such as marketing campaign tracking, click performance, and finding influences would be utilized by Actionly to measure the competitions market share. Actionly could segment transactional data by posts to track marketing campaigns to view the tendencies of an entire industry like clean energy. Actionly uses all of these types of information to create gages, lights, graphs, and numbers to direct its customers towards problem areas and quickly describeShow MoreRelatedIfsm 3001136 Words   |  5 PagesChapter 1: Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS Learning Outcome 1.1: Describe the information age and the differences between data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge. Learning Outcome 1.2: Identify the different departments in a company and why they must work together to achieve success. Learning Outcome 1.3: Explain systems thinking and how management information systems enable business communications. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Quality Management and Customer Service Wal-Mart Case Study

Question: Discuss about theQuality Management and Customer Servicefor Wal-Mart Case Study. Answer: Service Provided by Wal-Mart: RATER and SERVQUAL Analysis Wal-Mart is an American retain chain store that sells everyday items including grocery, stationary, electronics and others. They also have an e-commerce system for delivering products directly to the addresses of the customers. The RATER and SERVQUAL Analyses on Wal-Mart are as follows. RATER RATER is an acronym for Reliability-Assurance-Tangibles-Empathy-Responsiveness. The RATER analysis on Wal-Mart is as follows. Reliability Wal-Mart is a reliable retailer and always delivers products to the customers on time. Wal-Mart provides best quality of products at the best prices to the customers in the retail stores or through e-commerce services (Tan, Benbasat Cenfetelli, 2013). Wal-Mart has earned reputation among regular customers in terms of reliability. Assurance Wal-Mart provides quality assurance to its customers as a part of its business plan. In case the quality of the delivered product is poor, Wal-Mart guarantees full cash-back or product replacement. For this, Wal-Mart has become very popular in its native country. Tangibles Wal-Mart provides best quality services in the tangibles. The physical retail stores have up-to-date facilities that provide excellent customer services. The customers can easily access the products of their need in the stores. Again, for the e-commerce, Wal-Mart provides very user-friendly interface that helps the online customers find their products very easily. Empathy Wal-Mart does not has much empathy in customer needs. Hence, they give full freedom to their customers for searching and finding the products of their need. They have a customer feedback service (Yee et al., 2013). From the customer reviews, they add or remove products from their inventories rather than just predicting the needs of customers and market demands. Responsiveness Wal-Mart has 24 hours customer services that response quickly to the customer calls and demands. The main duty of this customer service is to note the customer demands and complaints about faulty products that the company also replaces promptly. SERVQUAL SERVQUAL analysis is used to identify gaps in services that result in poor customer experience. The SERVQUAL analysis results on Wal-Mart are as follows. Gap between Management Perception of Customer Expectations and Customer Expected Service The management of Wal-Mart expects customers to find and chose required products on their own and has arranged products in retail stores accordingly (Jiang et al., 2012). However, the customer expects to find their products in a categorized manner i.e. they expect the company to create categories and arrangements for different types of products. Gap between Management Perception of Customer Expectations and Service Quality Specification Wal-Mart customers expect the company to reduce prices for different products while also getting the best quality while management thinks quality is sufficient to attract customers. Gap between Service Quality Specification and Service Delivery This gap arises because the company sometimes fails to match the demand and supply cycle of the market. Many times, the company failed to provide services to the customers due to low supply of products on their end (Basfirinci Mitra, 2015). Gap between Service Delivery and External Communication This gap appears in Wal-Mart because they sometimes fail to communicate to customers about low supply or quality of products. Gap between Expected Service and Experienced Service This is common in e-commerce site of Wal-Mart when the customer views and expects best quality products while on delivery receives low quality products. References Basfirinci, C., Mitra, A. (2015). A cross cultural investigation of airlines service quality through integration of Servqual and the Kano model.Journal of Air Transport Management,42, 239-248. Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., Parolia, N., Li, Y. (2012). An analysis of three SERVQUAL variations in measuring Information System Service quality.Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation Volume,15(2). Tan, C. W., Benbasat, I., Cenfetelli, R. T. (2013). IT-Mediated Customer Service Content and Delivery in Electronic Governments: An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents of Service Quality.MIS quarterly,37(1). Yee, R. W., Lee, P. K., Yeung, A. C., Cheng, T. C. E. (2013). The relationships among leadership, goal orientation, and service quality in high-contact service industries: An empirical study.International Journal of Production Economics,141(2), 452-464.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Theories of Leadership free essay sample

The leader provides coaching, direction, motivation and rewards for the followers. †¢ Situational Theory recommends that different situations call for different kinds of leadership. This calls for the leader to change their style to the abilities of their followers. Transactional Theory. Transactional leadership requires that the leader and follower agree to a contract. The follower is responsible for following orders to perform a task. The leader, in turn, gives rewards for following orders in completing the task. Transactional leadership suggests that people only complete tasks when there are external rewards. However, many people accomplish tasks and reach goals because of their own internal motivation. Transformational Theory. Transformational leadership is a process in which the leader engages others, builds trust and creates a connection that increases the motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. (Northouse, 2001). A trans ­ formational leader focuses on others and their needs in order to help them reach their potential. We will write a custom essay sample on Theories of Leadership or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In many ways, transformational leadership is about a leader’s ability to create a vision related to a goal that has meaning for both the leader and follower. Personalizing Leadership Which of these theories has the most appeal to you? Write a description about how and when you would use the theory, with whom, where and what skills you may need to learn to be more effective. What theory? Behavior theories are based on categories of behavior and leadership types. The myth in this thinking is that outward behavior is enough to establish leadership. In the 1970s, research found most of the Behavior theory research to be invalid (Howell and Costley, 2001; Yaverbaum and Sherman, 2008); however, leadership behavior is still frequently discussed. Contingency Theory. In a more progressive approach to leadership, Contingency theory recom ­ mends matching a leader’s style to the right situ ­ ation, which involves matching to the team of people and goals. Two common Contingency theories are Path-Goal theory and Situational theory. †¢ Path-Goal Theory proposes that effective leaders help followers reach goals through motivation by involving them in fulfilling and meaningful tasks How do you plan to use what you have learned? When will you use what you learned? References and Suggested Reading Bass, B. M. (1990). Bass and Stogdill’s Handbook of

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Great Gatsby Study Essays

The Great Gatsby Study Essays The Great Gatsby Study Essay The Great Gatsby Study Essay Essay Topic: Literature The conclusion of any novel should be both memorable for the reader and resonate with the main themes of the novel (i. e. the ultimate viewpoint of the author). The Great Gatsby manages to do this successfully, but only thanks to the last page of the novel, which contains exceptionally poignant and expressive writing. By the end of the novel, the main action of the novel (i. e. he passage between the confrontation of Gatsby and Tom at the Plaza Hotel and the deaths of Gatsby and Wilson) has happened: the novel has reached its climax, and now it is losing momentum fast. This leads to an inevitable feeling that the rest of the novel is somewhat of a formality, included merely to tie up the loose ends of the storyline. This lends this last section of a thought-provoking novel a rather artificial feeling, rather self-conscious and detached segment. By the time the reader reaches the very last section, the novel has lost the frenetic pace and contrast that characterised the chapters immediately preceding this conclusion and so the reader may be losing interest, meaning the ending is not memorable thus far. Fitzgerald has, though, worked very hard to emphasise many themes (Gatsbys funeral is poorly attended, showing his lack of actual status, Toms defiance and indifference, showing the amorality of the upper classes) in the closing stages of the novel, even through the lack of action in these closing stages. In the very last section of the novel (from Gatsbys house was still empty when I left), Nicks reflection is highly melancholic and contemplative Fitzgerald employs many aspects of narrative here to convey a sense of sombre finality. The lack of voice in this last section contributes to the feeling of loneliness (perhaps indicative of the true loneliness of Gatsbys life, even during his rampant parties, let alone in his death) and allows the narrative to become focused on Nicks brooding and pensive viewpoint. A good example of Nicks viewpoint is the description of Gatsbys mansion as a huge incoherent failure of a house, reinforcing the idea that Nick pushes throughout the novel: that social mobility is impossible, and that Gatsbys attempt to transform himself into a member of the elite social circles has failed (the failure here symbolised by the brand spanking new mock-Gothic mansion). The setting also shows the ultimate futility of Gatsbys dream: the grass on his lawn had grown as long as mine the reader is reminded of Gatsbys disdain of Nicks lawn when discussing the possibility of a reunion with Daisy, which only further stresses that all of Gatsbys hard work can be so easily undone, also showing the strength of time, and how no-one (not even the Great Gatsby) can emerge from a battle with time victorious; On the white steps (of Gatsbys mansion) an obscene word, scrawled by some boy with a piece of brick, stood out clearly in the moonlight this highlights the facts that Gatsby could never really integrate into East American society and that there are very few people that care for him (also shown by the pitiful attendance at his funeral). The American Dream is also dealt with in this final section, with Fitzgerald touching upon the dreams of the first American settlers and their similarities to those of Gatsby: they both saw a country with the scope for infinite possibility; a wondrous opportunity to re-invent themselves in a new land. Where this may have once been true, it does not need to be stated by Fitzgerald that Gatsby has failed to achieve this, adding to the feeling of sympathy and sheer sadness in the ending of the novel, portraying Gatsby, once again, as a victim of the changed times (i. e. a time where social classes have become fixed). Fitzgerald has hinted to the importance of time in the section already (as shown above): he also employs time as a device twice more, the second instance being one of the most powerful devices in the entire novel. The first instance is when Nick describes spending his Saturday nights in New York because he was constantly reminded of Gatsbys dazzling, gleaming parties when in West Egg, showing how Nicks life has been greatly impacted upon by Gatsby, but also showing how he wishes to forget the oppressive revelry and decadence of those parties, the latter of which shows that Gatsbys attempts to make himself popular end up pushing even those closest to him away, again highlighting the harsh hopelessness of his dream. The second (incredibly powerful) instance where Fitzgerald uses time embodies many themes of the book: Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eludes us then, but thats no matter tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further And one fine morning So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. It is on this note that Fitzgerald ends the novel, a note of despair at the foolishness of human optimism; a note of frustration at the impossibility of reaching the green light, regardless of its seeming proximity; a note of hopelessness concerning the irresistible pull of the past, haunting those who strive to transcend its boundaries. The moving ambiguity of the final segment shows Nick neither rejecting nor accepting the American Dream as a reality, merely his thoughts on the difficulty in achieving it, interlaced with a thoughtful farewell to his friend, who tried and failed to transform his dreams into a reality. It is, then, the last page or so of The Great Gatsby that saves the conclusion of the story. Previously, Fitzgerald had pushed the story into a state of relaxed formality which, following the breakneck pace of the climactic scenes, seemed almost irrelevant. The novel had made the transition from action to contemplation effectively, but was in danger of stagnating into a rather lifeless ending. It is on the last pages, where Nick (Fitzgerald) describes the fruitlessness of dreams with such expressiveness, that the ending transforms from being slightly formulaic into being a swirling cocktail of emotions and ideas on life, touching on issues almost shockingly fundamental with the characteristic exquisite simplicity that flows through the veins of this brilliant tale, making the conclusion both memorable for the reader and reflective of the prevalent themes of the novel.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hawk vs. Hock

Hawk vs. Hock Hawk vs. Hock Hawk vs. Hock By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between the verbs hawk and hock? Both have associations with mercantile transactions, but the meanings and etymologies are distinct. To hawk one’s wares is to sell them. The word has no relationship to the name of the raptor or to the extension of that term to refer to person who supports war; one might associate a hawker calling out to prospective buyers with the cry of a hawk, but the verb hawk and the noun hawker derive from the German word hà ¶ker, meaning â€Å"to peddle.† However, hawk is also used as a verb to describe clearing the throat of phlegm; this sense derives from the bird’s harsh call. To hock, by contrast, is to pawn one’s possessions to give to a moneylender as security. (The person who hocks belongings then either repays the lender or forfeits the belongings, which the lender may then sell.) This word comes from the Dutch term hok, meaning â€Å"prison† or â€Å"enclosure†; the association is that someone who is in hock (in debt) is beholden to another as if he or she is a prisoner. Hock, from the Middle English word hoch, meaning â€Å"heel,† has another meaning: It refers to the ankle of certain quadrupeds such as horses or the part of a bird’s leg corresponding to that part of the anatomy; by extension, it also applies to a cut of meat taken from just above an animal’s foot. Among oenophiles, hoch also refers to German white wines; the name is a truncation of the city name Hochheim. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Wether, Weather, Whether5 Brainstorming Strategies for WritersSit vs. Set

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Survey method and discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Survey method and discussion - Essay Example It involves group of students discussing a lecture or students from different schools working in groups together on a shared assignment. The growing body of international researchers explores the relationship between social emotional learning and the cooperative learning in academic achievements. In the study most of the students were of the view of cooperative learning to improve their academic performance. In cooperative learning individual student performance was more superior as compared with the individualistic or the competitive method where everyone is for himself or herself. The cooperative method is found superior for promoting metacognitive thoughts, transfer of learning from one setting to the other, persistence in working towards a goal and it also helps in one’s motivation intrinsically. In cooperative learning, the members of the group are obliged to rely on one another to achieve the set goals, all the students are also held accountable for doing their part of work in order for them to master all the content to be learnt (Durlak et al, 2010). The method also involves face to face promotive inter action with group members required to provide the members with feedbacks, challenging reasoning, conclusion and in most cases they teach and encourage one another in order to improve the level of understanding compared to the case where the teacher does all the lectures and the student may not be free and ready to ask the questions. The primary goal of this study which is carried among 20 respondents is to measure the academic achievements for social emotional learning cooperative learning methods as ways of instruction and to compare the findings on the achievements with those of the lecture method or the teacher based method where the teacher does all the talking and the student the listening. When assessment was carried out on these two kinds of methods were carried out, it was found that the students who undergo the cooperative method were

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International Marketing Plan for Sephora Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Marketing Plan for Sephora - Essay Example Among the cosmetics line, the fastest growing segment is color cosmetics (Nail enamels and lipsticks). Lakme, a local brand, Tips & Toes, and Revlon have the lead in this segment. Sephora’s sensitivity to the needs and requirements of their customers is an asset in their penetration in India. Since market penetration levels of international cosmetics brands in India are low, Sephora should sell local brands, such as Lakme, the highest selling local brand, in their retail outlets. They could also partner with local product producers to produce cosmetics with local brands such as what Hindustani Lever did to the Lakme brand, by owning the cosmetics production plant of the Tata Group of Companies. Since Indians slowly consider Western women as their model for beauty Sephora should introduce products that will accomplish this beautification dreams. They should include in their product line skin and teeth whitening products that will make Indian skin and teeth similar to occidental women. In terms of their service, they have to capitalize on the enhancement of Indians’ education and knowledge on cosmetics. Since most of their probable customers belong to the middle class, they should aim to adjust their product packaging and quality to cater this growing market. India’s economy is currently booming at a considerable level. And most of its population is inexperienced in using cosmetics, which make education and training important to them. Other cosmetics giant had already entered India. However, most of them produce heterogeneous products. Amway, a major cosmetics player in India, offers a wide array of products such as health and nutrition products. Avon also produces apparel, Hindustani Lever, a subsidiary of Unilever, is more of a producer of household commodities than a cosmetic producer. Sephora’s focus on the cosmetics market is one of their strengths in India market. Their specialization on cosmetics makes them

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Grill case Essay Example for Free

Grill case Essay In this case, we can appreciate the Sunset Grill at Blue has operational failures on management of capacity and demand which should be considered to solve to get success. Also it explains how the Sunset Grill at Blue was a restaurant which his aimed was to provide affordable meals that appealed to the entire family during their vacations. This restaurant offered breakfast items and lunch menu through the day. The franchisor of this restaurant always was focused on how he could save waiting time to the client when they come to eat in the restaurant instead of customer’s satisfaction. For this reasons, the owner evaluated important points about the service he has on the restaurant. First, he had a strict police of no-substitutions plates even when they brought the wrong plate and he knows that was bringing complains from the customers. In addition, the franchisor thought that maybe he could reduce items from the menu. Also, he realized they have more clients during the weekend and for that reason he decided to hire one runner staff who just delivers the food from the kitchen to the tables, allowing serves to serve customers more efficiently. No concern for the client No waiting area The Sunset Grill was not able to making a special area for the clients give them a place more comfortable at the restaurant if they need to wait. As the case mentioned, the client had to wait around 40 to 50 minutes to get the table and order their food. The lack of this waiting area, was affecting directly to the clients. They could be losing some of them because they can find another place without waiting that time. Also, nobody wants to wait 50 minutes for a table on an uncomfortable place. No customer feedback â€Å"The relationship with the customers is of paramount importance because it is a source of innovation and differentiation† (service management, operations strategy, Information Technology, Fitzsimmons. J, 7th edition ). The franchisor of Sunset Grill shows he didn’t have any relationship with the clients in order to get feedback to improve the restaurant. He focused his business on reduce the time to their clients, instead of worry about client’s satisfaction. The first point the owner of a company or business should do, is create a close relationship with the customer in order to give them what they need or what they want.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Obvious is Absent in Mother Courage Essay -- Mother Courage Essays

The Obvious is Absent in Mother Courage    Brecht's intentions when writing Mother Courage were to communicate his beliefs and make people aware of two major issues facing society: war and capitalism. According to Brecht, people deserve the wars they get if they subscribe to a political system that is unfair and favors a specific sector of society, namely capitalism, in which it is up to the individual to secure his own means of survival. In other words, if the system is unjust in any way, war and conflict is inevitable. For this to be understood, it would be essential that the audience see the play for what it is, as opposed to becoming engaged in its story. This means that they would have to be alienated from the play, and made perpetually aware of it as a play and nothing more. To do this, Brecht jolted audiences out of their expectations and deliberately avoided theatrical techniques that would make appearances realistic. In this way, people were forced to confront the issues at hand and decipher the meanings behind what they were being shown. The "obvious" being referred to by Brecht is what is clearly seen, what one cannot miss. It does not require reflection and arouses no thought. By alienating the audience in this play, they see that nothing is happening at an obvious level, and can gain true understanding of the characters' reasons for behaving as they do, and of the background against which they exist. Brecht incorporated alienation techniques in the methods of staging used in performances of Mother Courage, firstly by keeping a very bright white light trained evenly upon the set throughout. This eliminated any opportunities for creating an atmosphere; any magical or romantic views of ... ...rinciples Brecht believed in: unless man has food and shelter, he does not have freedom. This tenet is what Brecht asserts in Mother Courage, and whose understanding can only be gained when audiences realise that the obvious is an irrelevance, that this play should be seen not as a tale but as a presenting of issues. By using the aspects of character, song, structure, style, inevitability, and staging, Brecht ensures that the audience remains alienated, and that their expectations are not met.    Works Cited and Consulted Brecht, Bertolt. "Mother Courage and Her Children." Worthen 727-751. Cook, Ellen Piel, ed. Women, Relationships, and Power. Virginia: American Counseling Association, 1993. Hwang, Henry David. "M. Butterfly." Worthen 1062-1084. Worthen, W.B. ed. The Harcourt Brace Anthology of Drama. 3rd ed. Toronto: Harcourt, 1993.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Managerial Account

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following statements is true? A. The word â€Å"cost† has the same meaning in all situations in which it is used. B. Cost data, once classified and recorded for a specific application, are appropriate for use in any application. C. Different cost concepts and classifications are used for different purposes. D. All organizations incur the same types of costs. E. Costs incurred in one year are always meaningful in the following year. 2. Which of the following is a product cost? A. Glass in an automobile. B. Advertising. C. The salary of the vice president-finance. D. Rent on a factory. E.Both â€Å"A† and â€Å"D. † 3. The accounting records of Georgia Company revealed the following costs: direct materials used, $250,000; direct labor, $425,000; manufacturing overhead, $375,000; and selling and administrative expenses, $220,000. Georgia's product costs total: A. $1,050,000. B. $830,000. C. $895,000. D. $1,270,000. E. some o ther amount. 4. Costs that are expensed when incurred are called: A. product costs. B. direct costs. C. inventoriable costs. D. period costs. E. indirect costs. 5. Which of the following is not a period cost? A. Legal costs. B. Public relations costs. C. Sales commissions. D. Wages of assembly-line workers. E.The salary of a company's chief financial officer (CFO). 6. The accounting records of Reynolds Corporation revealed the following selected costs: Sales commissions, $65,000; plant supervision, $190,000; and administrative expenses, $185,000. Reynolds's period costs total: A. $250,000. B. $440,000. C. $375,000. D. $255,000. E. $185,000. 7. Yang Corporation recently computed total product costs of $567,000 and total period costs of $420,000, excluding $35,000 of sales commissions that were overlooked by the company's administrative assistant. On the basis of this information, Yang's income statement should reveal operating expenses of: A. 35,000. B. $420,000. C. $455,000. D. $567 ,000. E. $602,000. 8. Which of the following entities would most likely have raw materials, work in process, and finished goods? A. Exxon Corporation. B. Macy's Department Store. C. Wendy's. D. Southwest Airlines. E. Columbia University. 9. Selling and administrative expenses would likely appear on the balance sheet of: A. The Gap. B. Texas Instruments. C. Turner Broadcasting System. D. All of these firms. E. None of these firms. 10. Mideast Motors manufactures automobiles. Which of the following would not be classified as direct materials by the company?A. Wheel lubricant. B. Tires. C. Interior leather. D. CD player. E. Sheet metal used in the automobile's body. 11. Which of the following employees of a commercial printer/publisher would be classified as direct labor? A. Book binder. B. Plant security guard. C. Sales representative. D. Plant supervisor. E. Payroll supervisor. 12. Lake Appliance produces washers and dryers in an assembly-line process. Labor costs incurred during a r ecent period were: corporate executives, $500,000; assembly-line workers, $180,000; security guards, $45,000; and plant supervisor, $110,000.The total of Lake's direct labor cost was: A. $110,000. B. $180,000. C. $155,000. D. $235,000. E. $735,000. 13. Depreciation of factory equipment would be classified as: A. operating cost. B. â€Å"other† cost. C. manufacturing overhead. D. period cost. E. administrative cost. 14. Which of the following costs is not a component of manufacturing overhead? A. Indirect materials. B. Factory utilities. C. Factory equipment. D. Indirect labor. E. Property taxes on the manufacturing plant. 15. The accounting records of Diego Company revealed the following costs, among others:Costs that would be considered in the calculation of manufacturing overhead total: A. $149,000. B. $171,000. C. $186,000. D. $442,000. E. some other amount. 16. Which of the following statements is true? A. Product costs affect only the balance sheet. B. Product costs affe ct only the income statement. C. Period costs affect only the balance sheet. D. Neither product costs nor period costs affect the Statement of Retained Earnings. This can also be a true statement if the period costs were prepaid (i. e. , prepaid advertising, depreciation). E. Product costs eventually affect both the balance sheet and the income statement. 17.In a manufacturing company, the cost of goods completed during the period would include which of the following elements? A. Raw materials used. B. Beginning finished goods inventory. C. Marketing costs. D. Depreciation of delivery trucks. E. All of the above. 18. Which of the following equations is used to calculate cost of goods sold during the period? A. Beginning finished goods + cost of goods manufactured + ending finished goods. B. Beginning finished goods – ending finished goods. C. Beginning finished goods + cost of goods manufactured. D. Beginning finished goods + cost of goods manufactured – ending finishe d goods.E. Beginning finished goods + ending finished goods – cost of goods manufactured. 19. Holden Industries began July with a finished-goods inventory of $48,000. The finished-goods inventory at the end of July was $56,000 and the cost of goods sold during the month was $125,000. The cost of goods manufactured during July was: A. $104,000. B. $125,000. C. $117,000. D. $133,000. E. some other amount. 20. Carolina Plating Company reported a cost of goods manufactured of $520,000, with the firm's year-end balance sheet revealing work in process and finished goods of $70,000 and $134,000, respectively.If supplemental information disclosed raw materials used in production of $80,000, direct labor of $140,000, and manufacturing overhead of $240,000, the company's beginning work in process must have been: A. $130,000. B. $10,000. C. $66,000. D. $390,000. E. some other amount. 21. The accounting records of Bronco Company revealed the following information: Bronco's cost of goods manufactured is: A. $519,000. B. $522,000. C. $568,000. D. $571,000. E. some other amount. 22. The accounting records of Brownwood Company revealed the following information: Brownwood's cost of goods sold is: A. $721,000. B. $730,000.C. $778,000. D. $787,000. E. some other amount. 23. For the year just ended, Cole Corporation's manufacturing costs (raw materials used, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead) totaled $1,500,000. Beginning and ending work-in-process inventories were $60,000 and $90,000, respectively. Cole's balance sheet also revealed respective beginning and ending finished-goods inventories of $250,000 and $180,000. On the basis of this information, how much would the company report as cost of goods manufactured (CGM) and cost of goods sold (CGS)? A. CGM, $1,430,000; CGS, $1,460,000. B. CGM, $1,470,000; CGS, $1,540,000. C.CGM, $1,530,000; CGS, $1,460,000. D. CGM, $1,570,000; CGS, $1,540,000. E. Some other amounts. 24. Glass Industries reported the following data f or the year just ended: sales revenue, $1,750,000; cost of goods sold, $980,000; cost of goods manufactured, $560,000; and selling and administrative expenses, $170,000. Glass' gross margin would be: A. $940,000. B. $1,190,000. C. $1,020,000. D. $380,000. E. $770,000. 25. Variable costs are costs that: A. vary inversely with changes in activity. B. vary directly with changes in activity. C. remain constant as activity changes. D. decrease on a per-unit basis as activity increases.E. increase on a per-unit basis as activity increases. 26. Which of the following is not an example of a variable cost? A. Straight-line depreciation on a machine that has a five-year service life. B. Wages of manufacturing workers whose pay is based on hours worked. C. Tires used in the production of tractors. D. Aluminum used to make patio furniture. E. Commissions paid to sales personnel. 27. The fixed costs per unit are $10 when a company produces 10,000 units of product. What are the fixed costs per un it when 8,000 units are produced? A. $12. 50. B. $10. 00. C. $8. 00. D. $6. 50. E. $5. 50. 28.Total costs are $180,000 when 10,000 units are produced; of this amount, variable costs are $64,000. What are the total costs when 13,000 units are produced? A. $199,200. B. $214,800. C. $234,000. D. Some other amount. E. Total costs cannot be calculated based on the information presented. 29. Baxter Company, which pays a 10% commission to its salespeople, reported sales revenues of $210,000 for the period just ended. If fixed and variable sales expenses totaled $56,000, what would these expenses total at sales of $168,000? A. $16,800. B. $35,000. C. $44,800. D. $51,800. E. Some other amount. 30.The salary that is sacrificed by a college student who pursues a degree full time is a(n): A. sunk cost. B. out-of-pocket cost. C. opportunity cost. D. differential cost. E. marginal cost. Essay Questions 1. Consider the three firms that follow: (1) Southwest Airlines, (2) BMW, and (3) Target. These firms, examples of service providers, manufacturers, and merchandisers, tend to have different characteristics with respect to costs and financial-statement disclosures. Required: Determine which of the preceding firms (1, 2, and/or 3) would likely: A. Disclose operating expenses on the income statement.B. Have product costs. C. Have period costs. D. Disclose cost of cost good sold on the income statement. E. Have no meaningful investment in inventory. F. Maintain raw-material, work-in-process, and finished-goods inventories. G. Have variable and fixed costs. 2. Consider the following cost items: 1. Sales commissions earned by a company's sales force. 2. Raw materials purchased during the period. 3. Current year's depreciation on a firm's manufacturing facilities. 4. Year-end completed production of a carpet manufacturer. 5. The cost of products sold to customers of an apparel store. . Wages earned by machine operators in a manufacturing plant. 7. Income taxes incurred by an airlin e. 8. Marketing costs of an electronics manufacturer. 9. Indirect labor costs incurred by a manufacturer of office equipment. Required: A. Evaluate the costs just cited and determine whether the associated dollar amounts would appear on the firm's balance sheet, income statement, or schedule of cost of goods manufactured. B. What major asset will normally be insignificant for service enterprises and relatively substantial for retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers? Briefly discuss. C.Briefly explain the similarity and difference between the merchandise inventory of a retailer and the finished-goods inventory of a manufacturer. 3. Consider the following items: A. Tomatoes used in the manufacture of Hunts ketchup B. Administrative salaries of executives employed by Jet Blue Airlines C. Wages of assembly-line workers at a Ford plant D. Marketing expenditures of the Atlanta Braves baseball club E. Commissions paid to Coca-Cola's salespeople F. Straight-line depreciation on manufactur ing equipment owned by Dell Computer G. Shipping charges incurred by Office Depot on out-going orders H.Speakers used in Sony home-theater systems I. Insurance costs related to a Mary Kay Cosmetics' manufacturing plant Required: Complete the table that follows and classify each of the costs listed as (1) a product or period cost and (2) a variable or fixed cost by placing an â€Å"X† in the appropriate column. 4. In discussing the operation of her automobile, a doctor once observed that gasoline is a fixed cost because the cost per gallon is relatively stable. Insurance, on the other hand, is a variable cost because the cost per mile varies inversely with the number of miles driven. Comment on the doctor's observation.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The challenges that meet the education system reform

Educational systems all over the universe were called to turn to the planetary displacement in societal, political and economic conditions. This displacement required to reexamine whether it was traveling to maintain gait with planetary developments. Along with other enterprises, the instruction system was besides identified as one that required to be evaluated. It needed to be enhanced to run into the new challenges in these yearss. The pupils coming out of the educational system should hold the necessary cognition and accomplishments to take the state to new highs of technological, economic and societal development. The background to the survey is that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) clarified that instruction should be free and compulsory for all people. Since the Declaration, the universe has tried to take stairss to accomplish this end. Education is the focal point of attending across many states because it has a bearing on all facets of development. For illustration, if people obtain the necessary literacy and accomplishments, they can be employed, taking to increased economic development. Another facet is that skilled people show more willingness to take part in administration. Active engagement will diminish societal fright. Education can give people assurance and create equality in the society. ( 2005. Dissertation Paper ) The importance of instruction was recognized in the World Education Forum in 1990, â€Å" Education for All † ( EFA ) . It emphasised that primary instruction should be made available to everyone and illiteracy should be appreciably reduced by the terminal of the 20th century ( 2001: UNESCO ) . Since EFA, many states have reviewed the instruction system and related policies in their states. EFA said that acquiring instruction for everyone constituted a cardinal right ; this was besides an equal right of all people. Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) declared the completion of cosmopolitan primary instruction ( UPE ) . All states are required to supply primary instruction. The ground why instruction is so much emphasised once more is because instruction will increase productiveness and net incomes of workers, and liven up the economic system. ( 2005: Dissertation Paper. ) From the Czech Republic to Spain, from Austria to the UK, higher instruction reform is high on the political docket of legion states. The particular features of the educational reforms and their exact timing may differ, but non their overall ends and push. Recognition and an consciousness of international tendencies have been on the rise ( Van der Wende 2000 ) as shown by comparings across states, based on OECD publications. It non merely shows the defects, but besides challenges traditional perceptual experiences that place educational establishments and universities entirely in the cultural domain ( Pechar 1999: 73 ) and about higher instruction ‘s function. ( Helga A. Welsh 2004 ) The focal point of this country of proposed survey relates to the instruction systems reforms. Hence, I will clear up in this research some ways of reconstituting the instruction system and how it can be appropriately modified to accommodate the demands of Qatar. Reasons for altering any educational system will besides be discussed. There are a batch of challenges in planing or implementing the educational reforms, which will besides be the topic of my treatment.BackgroundIn general, Globalization and new engineerings allow people to portion information quickly and supply an extraordinary opportunity to states all over the universe to set the value and efficiency of their instruction systems. Hence, enhanced instruction secures a better hereafter for the people, encourages economic growing and a holistic development, doing the universe a truly planetary small town. Governments should take a particular attack to reform its educational policies. Whilst going a portion of the planetary small town may look attractive, authorities intercession is necessary to guarantee that such a alteration is managed. This is so that cultural, moral, societal values of the society are preserved, and non wholly mutilated. Qatar is little Arabian province in the Arab Gulf with a little population that the leading had an aspiration to develop in all its facets. Development in the country of instruction is the key to economic and societal development. The RAND Corporation ‘s services were engaged ; ( RAND is a nonprofit research organisation holding conducted nonsubjective surveies, provided helpful elucidation, and produced effectual consequences on the challenges faced by the public and private systems in the universe ) . It was made to analyze the current system and give its recommendations. It was to place new policies options and implement the appropriate option that matched the demands of the State. This was to accomplish the holistic development, as Qatar invested to a great extent in gas and oil industries since it has one of the largest gas Fieldss in the universe, which is its chief wealth. The ground for this measure was because the visionary, His Highness the Emir of Qatar besides sees instruction as the key to Qatar ‘s economic and societal advancement. His Highness ‘ concern that the state ‘s instruction system was non bring forthing consequences of high-quality and was inflexible, outdated, and resistant to reform, made him inquire the RAND Corporation in 2001, to reexamine the kindergarten to rate 12 ( K-12 ) instruction system in Qatar. Qatar wished to hold assorted options for developing a world-class instruction system in line with other Qatari stairss it was taking for societal and political alteration. In November 2002, the State of Qatar officially embarked on the Education for a New Era ( ENE ) reforms and put up a new K-12 instruction system. The ENE had as its overall ends the betterment of pupil results ( loosely defined ) , sweetening in the problem-solving and critical-thinking accomplishments of pupils, to supply them with the chance to socialise and play a more active function in their communities and civic civilization, and topographic point the State of Qatar as a universe leader in instruction. East northeast reforms were commenced by Qatar to take sensed short-comings in the quality of the K-12 instruction offered to its pupils. Prior to ENE, many of Qatar ‘s pupils were retained each twelvemonth, tutoring after school was normal as parents felt that their kids were non given sufficient acquisition in Ministry schools, and most secondary school alumnuss were besides non appropriately prepared to come in selective postsecondary establishments or take up science- and technology-related occupations. This deficiency of quality resulted from a figure of jobs present in the instruction system as a whole ( Brewer et al. , 2007 ) . The Ministry of Education did non hold the vision to implement its ends or to originate alteration. Alternatively of being proactive, it reacted to jobs as they arose, adding sections or procedures in a bit-by-bit manner instead than with a consistent vision in head. The Ministry ‘s hierarchal organisational construction did non promote betterment or alteration. Although the Ministry was really structured, parents, instructors, and other stakeholders did non cognize to whom to travel to for their suggestions or ailments because the lines of authorization were obscure. Similarly, there appeared to be small attempt from the Ministry to near its stakeholder population and understand its demands. Students were taught an out-of-date and stiff course of study, and instructors had to follow Ministry-directed lesson programs each twenty-four hours. Added to this, there were excessively many topics to cover in the clip allotted, ensuing in superficial content coverage. Initial reappraisal of the information reveals that overpowering Numberss of instructors are non satisfied with the professional development of instructors at present. A figure with the relevant responses is presented below: oˆFigure 1 -Zellman, Ryan, Karam, Constant, Salem, Gonzalez, Orr, Goldman, Al-Thani, Al-Obaidli ( 2009 ) Capacity edifice steps are surely called for. With the complete focal point on bringing and lecture, few chances existed for student-teacher interaction in the schoolroom. The talk manner besides did non let instructors to accommodate their attacks for pupils with changing abilities ; larning in the Ministry schools was based on rote memorisation. There was really small authorization or flexibleness for school decision makers. The Ministry assigned principals to edifices, assigned instructors and other staff to schools, and provided furniture, equipment, text editions, and all other instructional stuffs. Finally, the system did non ease public presentation rating for either the module or the pupils. Although instructors were held accountable for put to deathing the centralised course of study, no 1 was held accountable for pupils ‘ public presentation. There were no system-level ends for pupil results ; instructors and decision makers could non estimate whether their attempts were increasing pupils ‘ cognition or bettering their accomplishments. To turn to the jobs of the Ministry system and better the asperity and quality of Qatar ‘s instruction system with the end of fixing Qatari alumnuss to lend to and take part in a globalized economic system and an progressively democratic province, Qatar ‘s leading pursue a comprehensive instruction reform instead than aim one constituent of the instruction system ( Gonzalez, Vi-Nhuan Le, Broer, MarianoJ. Froemel, Goldman, DaVanzo 2009 ) The design and the execution of the reforms present an attack for developing a criterions and choice-based system along with the traditional system. The undermentioned subdivision further elaborates upon the grounds for, and aims of the proposed research. Aims and Research Question The purpose in this thesis is to review and analyze the challenges that occur when be aftering to modify an educational administration, or planing to reconstitute a state ‘s educational strategy, or in implementing a reform plan. I will besides see the grounds that make the reform indispensable, for case, to run into the demand of labor markets, to make holistic development in all facets and discourse many grounds that lead to a important alteration in the educational system. In decision, the case of how the reform can be achieved, in the instance of Qatar, will besides be examined. This is based on the undermentioned cardinal research inquiries: 1-What are the challenges that can be faced when we set out to reform an educational system? 2- Why is at that place a demand to reform any educational system? 3- How can we reform the educational system in Qatar? The above inquiries are answered through an in-depth analysis of the available literature.Methodology and Methods of Data aggregationThe methodological analysis adopted will center upon the usage of secondary informations to reply the aforesaid inquiries and formulate decisions. Secondary informations reappraisal: Secondary informations aggregation beginning will chiefly be through the cyberspace. Leads will be obtained from net resources, they will be explored and articles, diary documents, research documents and books will be reviewed, for seeking replies to the three aforementioned inquiries. Secondary informations aggregation and reappraisal will embrace studies and publications by international organisations, such as the United Nations, ( UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP ) , and other documented documents on international state reform programmes associating to instruction. Significant work has been done by the high research organisation, The RAND Corporation, associating to the educational system in Qatar. Published stuff on this topic and their, findings, suggested solutions and impact of implementing their solutions will be analysed. A critical qualitative reappraisal of bing and relevant literature available will be used for this research. It has besides been suggested that more qualitative work demands to be done to look into the resources employed in the medium of learning direction in the more evidently successful schools. In add-on, consequences other than merely trial tonss, such as graduation rates, college attending, or parental satisfaction, should besides be considered in broadening the definition of successful schools. These can be compared with the test-based standards to measure whether the assorted steps conflict with other stairss taken ( Gonzalez, Tanner and Goldman. 2009 ) .RestrictionsRestrictions that could impede the accomplishment of the proposed consequences of the research will besides be elaborated upon. Thus, dependance on secondary resource means that information will be taken from other beginnings and as such might non be wholly applicable in replying the inquiries posed. Contradiction in authorised mechanism and literature could oppugn the dependability of the information on instruction reform. The clip besides could be another restriction for this research. In fact, three months is non plenty to transport out a comprehensive and thoroughly research work and to cover the available literature. For that ground, the chief indispensable literature may non be covered owing to restricted timeframe. However, I will work hard to cover the most known resources to transport out the research. The findings will clear up any restrictions in the information in giving the derived result.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Communication Plan Essays - Communication, Business Communication

Communication Plan Essays - Communication, Business Communication Communication Plan (Student's Name) (Professor's Name) (Course) (Date of Submission) Communication can be described as the process of transmitting ideas and information. In order to communicate effectively it is important to come up with a communication plan. A communication plan is a plan that describes what an organization plans to accomplish with the information is transmits outside or receives. A communication plan outlines the company objectives, the tools that are used to generate information and the intended recipients. It also describes the kind of data that can be shared and how that data can be distributed. A communication plan also clearly identifies the people who have the responsibility coming up with information, managing it, knowing t what time it should be communicated and where the communication records should be stored (Danter, 2010). The purpose of a communication plan is that it acts as a proactive measure to ensuring that every person has correct and accurate information and in a timely manner. A communication plan describes the persons responsible for generating each kind of communication and also describes how often the information can be distributed and updated. Communication consists of public relations and conference materials, print publications, online content and legal documents. Types of communication may also include reports, speeches, surveys and other organization documents. The mechanisms that are used to deliver information consist of websites, posters and brochures. A calendar is also included in the communication plan to specify at what time and date communication materials will be readily available (Danter, 2010). In addition, the communication plan defines a strategy or method to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of communication and identify how well the communication worked. Planning and coordination are important elements required in order to have an effective business communication. In order to get the intended information to external or internal audiences it is important to understand the objectives of communication planning. Proper planning in delivering a corporate message can make a huge difference in getting the intended results and not creating disastrous public relations with information that is misinterpreted. One of the major objectives of effective communication is consistency. A communication plan should build consistency in the message or information that is significant in maintenance of the organizations public image (Turner, 2013). It is important to ensure that all the correspondence going out to the media contains a similar message and the employees and managerial staff should also understand the information the organization is discharging. This assists a lot in prevention of contradicting messages from different people within the same company. It also prevents creating confusion with the audience. In the recent past the field of IT has experienced a lot of growth and so many businesses have taken technology seriously in order to achieve their goals. An effective communication plan should be created to ensure that the lines of IT and business work effectively and that each field is accountable for its contribution towards the organizations goals. While creating the communication plan the primary step is to identify the purpose of creating a communication plan. It is also important to know the proper time to develop a communication plan (Turner, 2013). A research communication audit should be conducted to evaluate the current communication between IT and business. There are organizations that hire firms to conduct a research but the price can be very high. In order to conduct a proper audit it is important to know what every staff member is doing in terms of communication, what each activity is designed to achieve and how effective each activity is (Yee, 2013). The stake holders in this case should be the business officials and information technology officers. After conducting a research it is important to come up with goals. The goals will be what the two fields aim at achieving by communicating together by considering both the financial and human resources. The goals should not be too ambitious and unachievable. Each field is required to work towards achieving the set goals in the best ways possible. After identifying the goals, objectives and tools of communication plan. The next important step is to establish a timetable. Establishing a timetable ensures that the teams are aware of what needs to be done at what time and it also helps in assessing whether the plan is behind or ahead of the scheduled time. The main reason for evaluating a communication plan is to ensure accountability. It is important to know what has been achieved and justify the time, funds and energy expenditure (Yee, 2013). Another reason for evaluating the communication plan is improvement. It is important

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Definition and Purpose of Political Institutions

The Definition and Purpose of Political Institutions Political institutions are the organizations in a government which create, enforce, and apply laws. They often mediate conflict, make (governmental) policy on the economy and social systems, and otherwise provide representation for the population. In general, democratic political regimes are divided into two types: presidential (headed by a president) and parliamentary (headed by a parliament). Legislatures built to support the regimes are unicameral (only one house) or bicameral (two houses- for example, a senate and a house of representatives or a house of commons and a house of lords). Party systems can be two-party or multiparty, the parties can be strong or weak depending on their level of internal cohesion. The political institutions are those bodies- parties, legislatures, and heads of state- which make up the whole mechanism of modern governments. Parties, Trade Unions, and Courts In addition, political institutions include political party organizations, trade unions, and the (legal) courts. The term Political Institutions may also refer to the recognized structure of rules and principles within which the above organizations operate, including such concepts as the right to vote, a responsible government, and accountability. Political Institutions, in Brief Political institutions and systems have a direct impact on the business environment and activities of a country. For example, a political system that is straightforward and evolving when it comes to political participation of the people and laser-focused on the well-being of its citizens contributes to positive economic growth in its region. Every society must have a type of political system so it may allocate resources and ongoing procedures appropriately. Along with the same concept, a political institution sets the rules in which an orderly society obeys and ultimately decides and administers the laws for those that do not obey appropriately. Types of Political Systems The political system consists of both politics and government and involves the law, economy, culture and additional social concepts. The most popular political systems that we know of around the world can be reduced to a few simple core concepts. Many additional types of political systems are similar in idea or root, but most tend to surround concepts of: Democracy: A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.Republic: A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.Monarchy:Â  A form of government in which one person reigns, typically a king or a queen. The authority, also known as a crown, is typically inherited.Communism:Â  A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy. Often, an authoritarian party holds power and state controls are imposed.Dictatorship: A form of government where one person makes the main rules and decisions with absolute power, disregarding input from others. The Function of a Political System In 1960, Almond and Coleman gathered three core functions of a political system which include:Â   To maintain the integration of society by determining norms.To adapt and change elements of social, economic, and religious systems necessary for achieving collective (political) goals.To protect the integrity of the political system from outside threats. In modern day society in the United States, for example, the main function of the two core political parties is seen as a way to represent interest groups and constituents and to create policies while minimizing choices. Overall, the idea is to make legislative processes easier for people to understand and engage with. Political Stability and Veto Players Every government seeks stability, and, without institutions, a democratic political system simply cannot work. Systems need rules to be able to select political actors (the nomination process). The leaders must have fundamental skills about how the political institutions work and there must be rules about how authoritative decisions are made. The institutions constrain political actors by punishing deviations from institutionally prescribed behaviors and rewarding appropriate behavior. Institutions can resolve collection action dilemmas- for example, all governments have a collective interest in reducing carbon emissions, but for individual actors, making a choice for the greater good makes no good sense from an economic standpoint. So, it must be up to the federal government to establish enforceable sanctions. But the main purpose of a political institution is to create and maintain stability. That purpose is made viable by what American political scientist George Tsebelis calls veto players. Tsebelis argues that the number of veto players- people who must agree on a change before it can go forward- makes a significant difference in how easily changes are made. Significant departures from the status quo are impossible when there are too many veto players, with specific ideological distances among them. Agenda setters are those veto players who can say take it or leave it, but they must make proposals to the other veto players that will be acceptable to them. Sources Almond, Gabriel Abraham, and James Smoot Coleman, eds. The Politics of the Developing Areas. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016 (1960). Print.Armingeon, Klaus. Political Institutions. Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science. Eds. Keman, Hans and Jaap J. Woldendrop. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016. 234–47. Print.Beck, Thorsten, et al. New Tools in Comparative Political Economy: The Database of Political Institutions. The World Bank Economic Review 15.1 (2001): 165–76. Print.Moe, Terry M. Political Institutions: The Neglected Side of the Story. Journal of Law, Economics, Organization 6 (1990): 213–53. Print.Tsebelis, George. Veto Players: How Political Institutions Work. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002. Print.Weingast, Barry R. The Economic Role of Political Institutions: Market-Preserving Federalism and Economic Development. Journal of Law, Economics, Organization 11.1 (1995): 1–31. Print.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Searches and Seizures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Searches and Seizures - Essay Example A search usually occurs when an expectation of privacy that is considered by the society as reasonable is infringed by a government employee. A seizure is the interference of the possessory interest in property of a person. The Fourth Amendment protects a person against any search and seizure which that violates their reasonable expectation of privacy (LaFave, 2004). A reasonable expectation of privacy exists if one expects privacy and if the expectation is thought to be legitimate by the entire society. The Fourth Amendment Mary Ellis was awakened on Saturday morning and finds her neighbor Mr. Clyde Stevens lying unresponsive on the floor. She calls 911 and the police and EMS personnel arrived minutes later and Mr. Stevens is pronounced dead from a large butcher knife in his back. Crime scene investigators then started investigating William’s bedroom as the crime scene without any search warrant. The investigations started shortly after the arrival of the police officers. The investigators took charge of the investigation and conducted an exhaustive warrantless search on the Mary Ellis apartment which included development of blood fingerprint, photographing the print and recovery of a blood sample of William for a DNA analysis. The Fourth Amendment prohibits any government official from searching a home without any warrant which must include specific information like the name and address of the person. The Fourth Amendment requires all searches and seizures to be reasonable. If the search and seizure are declared unreasonable, then the police cannot use the evidence obtained from the search and seizure in criminal trials. Warrants are issues under a probable cause which should be supported by Oath or Affirmation which describes the place to be searched and the persons and things that need to be seized (Chamelin, 2003). A judge can only find a probable cause though the examination of the totality of all the circumstances presented. However, the police ca n enter a private residence without a warrant if an officer enters a building or a place of residence to assist in any form of emergency if the officer receives consent to search the residence without a warrant, if an officer has placed the person under arrest and if the search is administrative in nature which is done for the purposes of law reinforcement. The police can also enter a private residence without a warrant if they suspect that the house harbors a person carrying or in control of firearms illegally and are not in proper control of the arm and may injure or kill a person as a result of their mental condition (LaFave, 2004). They also enter a private residence without a warrant if they have a reasonable ground to suspect a firearm offence if the house contains illegal drugs and if someone in the house is at large after escaping from prison. The legal rights of the police to access the Ellis household The search done on Ellis household is not constitutionally permissibl

Friday, November 1, 2019

Opportunities and limitations of using social media in the marketing Essay

Opportunities and limitations of using social media in the marketing - Essay Example The intricacy of a product varies depending on the specific characteristics or the consumer perception of the product. Some products are seen to be more intricate since the technical specifications associated with them need considerable personal effort from the consumer in order to be familiar with the attributes of the product. Majority of the cultural products are perceived as intricate particularly when the works produced need specific knowledge or depend on abstract ideas that need the ability of the consumer to understand the concepts involved.Even though there is a commonly held perception that arts marketing is an area of minority interest, this is more associated with a lazy prejudice than a clearly considered suggestion. Social media can be an important instrument as far as generating interest in the masses about arts is concerned. This is because social media can be a fast and inexpensive way of disseminating and sharing information on the arts and this information will eas ily reach more people. The minority that has knowledge in the cultural organization can utilize social media to reach the many that are not knowledgeable in this area.The potential limitations that are associated with marketing cultural products through social media as far as the sharing of information is concerned include the unequal access or usage. This means that the individuals who may not be using social media will have less opportunities of getting the information associated with the cultural products.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Islamic Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Islamic Finance - Essay Example Agency cost is referred to internal cost of a company, which arises due to conflict of interest between the management and shareholders. The shareholders expect that the management should run the company in such a manner that it increases the shareholder’s value. However, it is observed that the management concentrates on maximizing the wealth of the company and does not take into consideration the interest of the shareholders. This creates a difference between the management and stakeholders. The same problem was observed in the Islamic banks; though the PLS system aimed at increasing the wealth of the investors but it failed to fulfil the expectation of the shareholders (Dar and Presley, 2000). The main rule of PLS system is that the banks provides part of its profit, obtained from investment, to the investor instead of interest. As a result, if the banks fail to earn any profit on the investments, the investors do not get any bonus (Dar and Presley, 2000). The same situation is observed when the company is small to afford high profit and even earn a considerable amount. If a new company invests in the bank, it has the right to earn the profit but the scheme had already dried up the earnings of the financial institutions. This indicates that the company as an investor is not at all profitable and the banks have failed to implement PLS appropriately. This has created misunderstanding between the management of the banks and the investors (small companies) as the payment under this scheme cannot be taken as granted (Abduh and Omah, 2012). When the banks failed to offer higher return on the scheme such as Murabaha financing despite good performance, it is subject to elements of uncertainty. These uncertainties are vague demand for goods and services, business environment that surrounds the world. Moreover, the banks are seen to suppress the profit as the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sender and Receiver Communication

Sender and Receiver Communication Communication is a procedure which includes sender and receiver to convey a message. Effective communications skills are the skills we assume every worker picks up along the way. The type of communication that we use at home, friends and other normal places which is known as slang can never be used at workplace. Sometimes people may get dismissed because of using such sort of language. To get success at work we need know what sort of communications skill we should at work. Communication is a process in which message is send by a sender to a receiver. The message could be simple information and it can be verbal or non- verbal. This includes determining the meaning that the sender intends to express the other person. The person (listener) receives the message through both verbal chatting and non verbal gestures. The receiver interprets the meaning of the message. To follow on to the message receiver uses education, attitudes, experience and emotions. Effective communication is communication which exists between two persons and the receiver interprets the same way as the sender intended it. Communication is essential for achieving managerial and organizational effectiveness. Without communication, employees will not be able to aware of what their co-workers are doing, will not have any idea about what their goal are, and will not be able to assess their performance. In absence of channels of communication, supervisors will not be able to give instruction to their subordinates and management will not receive the information it requires to develop plans and take decision. Good communication always helps employees become more involve in their work and helps them to develop a better understanding of their jobs. Clear, precise and timely communication of information also prevents the occurrence of organizational problems. Effective communication is essential for achieving organizational goals, but ensuring such communication has been a major problem for most organization. Although the word communication is often used, there has been no consensus among communication experts regarding the definition of communication. In general, communication may be defined as the process by which the information is exchanged between individuals. There are many components to communication. Consider verbal communication skills, listening skills, written memorandums/email, telephone skills and non-verbal communication. Also, reflect upon all the people we communicate to: subordinates, peers, supervisors, customers, and groups of people. In addition, ponder some of the reasons, why we communicate: to get and give information, to discipline subordinates, to make assignments, and so on. We already know that communication is a big part of our daily existence. Even when we dont want to communicate, the very actions we take not to communicate such as being quiet in meetings, avoiding people, declining to respond to emails or give feedback, communicate something about us. In a survey of 480 companies and organizations conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers and published in the Wall Street Journal, effective communication ability ranked first among the desirable personal qualities of future employees. Reference: December 29, 1998. Wall Street Journal, Work Week, p. A1. In a national survey of 1000 human resource managers, oral communication skills are identified as valuable for both obtaining employment and successful job performance. Reference: Winsor, et al., 1997    In yet another survey, executives in Fortune 500 companies indicate that college students need better communication skills, as well as the ability to work in teams and with people from diverse backgrounds (Association Trends, 1997). The point of these examples is that honing your communication skills should be a priority for you as you seek to advance in the workplace. Although many articles and books have dealt with interpersonal and organizational communication, most of them are not based on systematic research findings. However, the Real Managers Study (conducted by Fed Luthan, Richard M. Hodgetts and Stuart A.Rosenkrantz) is based on original research in communication. The researches observe managers at work in various organizational setting and also studies the self reports submitted by them to understand the process of communication in organization. They developed the managerial communication model to explain the different style of communication used by the managers and to provide a framework for understanding how managers communicate in organization. In formal organizations, the design of communication channels is based on the assumption that all the divisions and departments are self contained and do not facilitate communication among employees at the same level. This poses the serious problem when circumstances demand such communication. If an individual wants to convey some message to an individual from another department, the message has to be passed up to the highest managerial level and then down to the individual. The reply from that individual is also received in a similar way, leading to huge delays. Chester Barnard felt that communication played an important role in shaping organizations. According to him, Communication forms one of the three primary elements of an organization, the common goals and willingness to serve customers beings the other two elements. Communication links the number of the members of an organization with organizations goal and facilitates and enhances cooperative action among the individual and department of the organization. Communication whether written or oral, helps an organization attain its goals, but it can also give rise to problems. For instance, if a particular message is misinterpreted, an inappropriate decision may be taken. This decision may be taken. This decision may result in losses to the organization in long-run. Barnard related communication to the concept of authority. According to him, for authority to be delegated from a manager to sub ordinate, all communication originating from the manager must be clearly understood by the subordinate. He believed that a manager should try to understand the meaning of the message before communicating it to his subordinates. Barnards indentifies seven communication factors that helps establish and maintain objectives authority in an organization. The member of an organization should be aware of all the available channels of communication. Every member of organization must have access to specific formal channel of communication. Communication with an organization must follow the shortest and most direct path. All communication should involve the use of entire, formal line of communication. Competent persons should serve an s communication centers. There should be no interruption in the time of communication during the functioning of an organization, and All communication should be authenticated. Managers share the responsibility in communicating effectively with the individual employees themselves. The manager is 100% responsible for communicating effectively with their employees. This includes establishing an open and trusting climate for communication, as well as demonstrating good communication techniques to their employees. The employee is 100% responsible for taking advantage of the climate for communication to express what is important and relevant. For example, it is expected that a manager will ask are there any questions? after giving an employee an assignment, but it is also expected that an employee will say, I have a question, if one should occur to the employee, without waiting for the manager to ask.   The following communication is useful for organizational communication. Non verbal communication Downwards communication Upward communication Lateral communication Interactive communication Barriers to Effective Communication A number of obstacles may occur on the way of the receiver to understand the message. These interruptions could lead to barriers to communications. The reason could be anything listener doesnt under the language or sometimes it may convey the wrong meaning. Some of the barriers are discussed below. Language: An organization has different kind of people from different cultures. In such cases language is one of the important factors for communication towards different cultural people. So inability to understand the language from either even one side of communication could lead to barrier. Even when sender uses unsuitable words while describing, it may increase misunderstanding between sender and listener. Physical barriers: Physical barriers are one of the major barriers of effective communication in the workplace. This could be background noises and disturbances in the environment. For example roadwork, loud music, some family functions going on around etc. Emotional barriers: Emotion could be one of the barriers to effective communication. Men are a social animal we all know about that statement and emotions play an important role in social life. It could be any personal or professional. It includes frustration, anger and fear. In such cases it may lead to trouble listening to others. Attitudinal barriers: Attitude problem is big problem that we face everywhere now. The personal attitudes of the employees which may be dissatisfaction in workplace such as wages or the placement and comparing themselves to others could be the reason of attitudinal barriers. Bibliography: Aamodt, Michael G. And Bobbiel L. Raynes. Human Relations in business: developing Interpersonal and Leadership skills. USA: Wadsworth, a division of Thomas Learning Inc, 2001. Bartol, Kathryn M. And David C Martin. Management. 3rd Edition. USA: Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1998.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Genetics and the Future :: Science Biology Genes Essays Papers

Rows upon rows of â€Å"perfect† people walk in straight lines. All have the same hair, eye, and skin color. They all resemble each other. The environment around them is lifeless; the lack of trees and living animals is awkwardly noticeable. Overhead a flying automobile soars past and swerves around enormous skyscrapers. All this was accomplished through both science and technology. Is this a farfetched notion of the future? Can science and technology really create a society like this? How will it affect our lives here in the Valley and in the world around us? Science has always been with us. Science is the observation of the problems of the world around us, and the experimentation to find solutions to these problems. It was science that allowed primitive man to wonder about his origins, his creator and the world around him. If we look at the role of science in the human race we see that it has allowed for the unified progression of all. In the beginning primitive ma n relied heavily on personal beliefs of both good and bad spirits and that of a Supreme Being. Later beliefs became more complex and religion was a vital part of everyone’s life. The ability to think differently grew due to increase advancement in science and technology during the Renaissance period. The freedom of thought and proposal of ideas by philosophers provided for exchanging and creation of diverse ideas. It was in that type of environment that ideas such as that of Darwin’s Origins of Species were proposed. In modern times when people hear of genetics images of cars overturned by dinosaurs gone mad, from the famous motion picture Jurassic Park, and of the cloned sheep Dolly prancing around in the prairie come to mind. The genetic revolution in particular gives us all an optimistic future to the world in which we are living in today. The genetic revolution will give a different facet to medicine, agriculture, and society as a whole. The genetic revolution will help health professionals provide a different type of care for their patients. The genetic revolution offers enormous promises for those sufferings chronic diseases. Research laboratories around the world are busily sequencing, identifying, and switching genes among different species. Genetic engineering techniques promise cures for various diseases such as cystic fibrosis and kidney disease.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Biomedical or scientific, naturalistic or holistic

People view illness and death differently depending including on their own personal beliefs as well as their culture. The 3 major views that are often used by different cultures to explain the causes of death and disease are: biomedical or scientific, naturalistic or holistic, and magic-religious. Biochemical or scientific worldview is the most prevalent view in our healthcare system and it is embraced by most nurses and other health care providers. The basic idea of this view is that all events in life have a cause and effect, and that the human body works like a machine, and all reality can be observed and measured (ex:BP, Papa levels, intelligence test. ) one example of the biochemical or scientific view regarding disease and illness is the bacterial or viral explanation of communicable disease. A naturalistic or holistic viewpoint are commonly embraced among the Native American, Hispanics, African American, Arab and Asian cultures. This viewpoint explains and focuses on the holis tic explanation of what caused the disease. This belief focuses on keeping the forces of nature in natural balance and harmony. Many Asian groups believe in the yin and yang theory which is a great example of this viewpoint.The yin and yang theory is a belief that there Is an ultimate balance between everything in life one way or another, meaning that health is believed to exist when all aspects of a person are In perfect balance or harmony. According to the holistic theories, disrupting the laws of nature creates Imbalances, chaos, and disease. The Magic- Religious view's basic concept It that the world Is a place where the supernatural forces dominate, and they believe that the fate of everyone depends on the action of the supernatural forces for good and evil.According to some African American and Caribbean people their explanations of magical causes of Illness Include belief In voodoo or which craft. There are some Christian religions that believe In faith healing to help fight disease and Infection. These three viewpoints are defiantly very different from one another. As a nurse, It Is important to be aware that people view heath and Illness differently. A nurse must know that not matter If they agrees with the patient's views or not, they must respect the patients beliefs and do everything possible to work within the guidelines of their sews and beliefs to give them the best care possible.Brenner: Chapter 7 [pages 102-103] http://YMMV. Credulous. Com/theory/waylaying. CFML http://w+M. Nursing-nurse. Com/causes-of-illness-236/ biomedical or scientific, naturalistic or holistic, and magic-religious By Alexandra_enema example of this viewpoint. The yin and yang theory is a belief that there is an is believed to exist when all aspects of a person are in perfect balance or harmony. According to the holistic theories, disrupting the laws of nature creates imbalances, chaos, and disease.The Magic- Religious views basic concept it that the world is a magical cau ses of illness include belief in voodoo or which craft. There are some Christian religions that believe in faith healing to help fight disease and infection. These three viewpoints are defiantly very different from one another. As a nurse, it is important to be aware that people view heath and illness differently. A nurse must know that not matter if they agrees with the patient's views or not, they must respect http://www. Credulous. Com/theory/yang. CFML http://www. Nursing-nurse. Com/causes-of-illness-236/