Friday, October 25, 2019

Genetics and the Future :: Science Biology Genes Essays Papers

Rows upon rows of â€Å"perfect† people walk in straight lines. All have the same hair, eye, and skin color. They all resemble each other. The environment around them is lifeless; the lack of trees and living animals is awkwardly noticeable. Overhead a flying automobile soars past and swerves around enormous skyscrapers. All this was accomplished through both science and technology. Is this a farfetched notion of the future? Can science and technology really create a society like this? How will it affect our lives here in the Valley and in the world around us? Science has always been with us. Science is the observation of the problems of the world around us, and the experimentation to find solutions to these problems. It was science that allowed primitive man to wonder about his origins, his creator and the world around him. If we look at the role of science in the human race we see that it has allowed for the unified progression of all. In the beginning primitive ma n relied heavily on personal beliefs of both good and bad spirits and that of a Supreme Being. Later beliefs became more complex and religion was a vital part of everyone’s life. The ability to think differently grew due to increase advancement in science and technology during the Renaissance period. The freedom of thought and proposal of ideas by philosophers provided for exchanging and creation of diverse ideas. It was in that type of environment that ideas such as that of Darwin’s Origins of Species were proposed. In modern times when people hear of genetics images of cars overturned by dinosaurs gone mad, from the famous motion picture Jurassic Park, and of the cloned sheep Dolly prancing around in the prairie come to mind. The genetic revolution in particular gives us all an optimistic future to the world in which we are living in today. The genetic revolution will give a different facet to medicine, agriculture, and society as a whole. The genetic revolution will help health professionals provide a different type of care for their patients. The genetic revolution offers enormous promises for those sufferings chronic diseases. Research laboratories around the world are busily sequencing, identifying, and switching genes among different species. Genetic engineering techniques promise cures for various diseases such as cystic fibrosis and kidney disease.

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