Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Three Primary Types of Decision Making Systems - 1690 Words

Define the three primary types of decision-making systems, and explain how a customer of Actionly might use them to find business intelligence. The three primary types of decision-making systems are: the transactional support system, the management information system, and the decisions support system (, 2014). First, the transactional support system encompasses all of the information contained within a single business process or unit of work, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of daily operational or structured decisions. Some examples of transactional information are when customers purchase stocks, make an airline reservation, or withdraw cash from an A.T.M. (Baltzan, 54). A customer of Actionly could use†¦show more content†¦(Baltzan p.54) Analytical information encompasses all organizational information, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of managerial analysis or semi-structured decisions. Analytical information is used to identify and explain problems, market trends, sales, product statistics, and forecast future growth. (Baltzan p.55). The difference between transactional and analytical information is: transactional data drives operations, and analytical data drives strategy. Actionly would use both transactional and analytical information to create a digital dashboard for its customers. Analytical information such as social ROI, Twitter analytics, sentiment analysis, and competitive analysis are all forms of historical data. This historical data would then be utilized to observe marketplace trends, the successes or failures of a rival company’s new product launches, and acquisitions. This data could also be analyzed to monitor customer feedback and the brands reputation management. (Baltzan pp. 43-44). Transactional data such as marketing campaign tracking, click performance, and finding influences would be utilized by Actionly to measure the competitions market share. Actionly could segment transactional data by posts to track marketing campaigns to view the tendencies of an entire industry like clean energy. Actionly uses all of these types of information to create gages, lights, graphs, and numbers to direct its customers towards problem areas and quickly describeShow MoreRelatedIfsm 3001136 Words   |  5 PagesChapter 1: Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS Learning Outcome 1.1: Describe the information age and the differences between data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge. Learning Outcome 1.2: Identify the different departments in a company and why they must work together to achieve success. Learning Outcome 1.3: Explain systems thinking and how management information systems enable business communications. 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