Friday, November 8, 2019

Communication Plan Essays - Communication, Business Communication

Communication Plan Essays - Communication, Business Communication Communication Plan (Student's Name) (Professor's Name) (Course) (Date of Submission) Communication can be described as the process of transmitting ideas and information. In order to communicate effectively it is important to come up with a communication plan. A communication plan is a plan that describes what an organization plans to accomplish with the information is transmits outside or receives. A communication plan outlines the company objectives, the tools that are used to generate information and the intended recipients. It also describes the kind of data that can be shared and how that data can be distributed. A communication plan also clearly identifies the people who have the responsibility coming up with information, managing it, knowing t what time it should be communicated and where the communication records should be stored (Danter, 2010). The purpose of a communication plan is that it acts as a proactive measure to ensuring that every person has correct and accurate information and in a timely manner. A communication plan describes the persons responsible for generating each kind of communication and also describes how often the information can be distributed and updated. Communication consists of public relations and conference materials, print publications, online content and legal documents. Types of communication may also include reports, speeches, surveys and other organization documents. The mechanisms that are used to deliver information consist of websites, posters and brochures. A calendar is also included in the communication plan to specify at what time and date communication materials will be readily available (Danter, 2010). In addition, the communication plan defines a strategy or method to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of communication and identify how well the communication worked. Planning and coordination are important elements required in order to have an effective business communication. In order to get the intended information to external or internal audiences it is important to understand the objectives of communication planning. Proper planning in delivering a corporate message can make a huge difference in getting the intended results and not creating disastrous public relations with information that is misinterpreted. One of the major objectives of effective communication is consistency. A communication plan should build consistency in the message or information that is significant in maintenance of the organizations public image (Turner, 2013). It is important to ensure that all the correspondence going out to the media contains a similar message and the employees and managerial staff should also understand the information the organization is discharging. This assists a lot in prevention of contradicting messages from different people within the same company. It also prevents creating confusion with the audience. In the recent past the field of IT has experienced a lot of growth and so many businesses have taken technology seriously in order to achieve their goals. An effective communication plan should be created to ensure that the lines of IT and business work effectively and that each field is accountable for its contribution towards the organizations goals. While creating the communication plan the primary step is to identify the purpose of creating a communication plan. It is also important to know the proper time to develop a communication plan (Turner, 2013). A research communication audit should be conducted to evaluate the current communication between IT and business. There are organizations that hire firms to conduct a research but the price can be very high. In order to conduct a proper audit it is important to know what every staff member is doing in terms of communication, what each activity is designed to achieve and how effective each activity is (Yee, 2013). The stake holders in this case should be the business officials and information technology officers. After conducting a research it is important to come up with goals. The goals will be what the two fields aim at achieving by communicating together by considering both the financial and human resources. The goals should not be too ambitious and unachievable. Each field is required to work towards achieving the set goals in the best ways possible. After identifying the goals, objectives and tools of communication plan. The next important step is to establish a timetable. Establishing a timetable ensures that the teams are aware of what needs to be done at what time and it also helps in assessing whether the plan is behind or ahead of the scheduled time. The main reason for evaluating a communication plan is to ensure accountability. It is important to know what has been achieved and justify the time, funds and energy expenditure (Yee, 2013). Another reason for evaluating the communication plan is improvement. It is important

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