Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Role of Social Media

Introduction Social media is becoming a major force in the world of business. Human beings have created social networks to exchange ideas, views, concepts, and information (Bradley McDonald 2013). Social media increases the level of interaction among individuals in many societies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Social Media specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social media platforms ensure communities, organisations, and individuals create and share user-generated ideas or content (What Role Can Social Media Play For Your Business Organisation? 2014). Social media continues to change the way people and communities communicate between themselves. The role of social media and internet-based applications in organisations is immeasurable. Many businesses have succeeded because of their continued use of social media. This essay highlights the unique roles of social media in modern organisations. Role of Soci al Media in Contemporary Organisations: Advantages and Disadvantages Many corporations have succeeded because of new technological applications and resources. Companies are using modern technologies to create the best plans and strategies. Information technology (IT) has helped many firms address most of their problems. This approach has increased the level of communication and decision-making. The internet is ‘a powerful invention because it supports many operations and activities in every firm’ (Harris Rae 2009, p. 29). The globe is embracing the use of these modern technologies to provide quality customer services. Leaders and business managers are using new technologies to support their consumers. Every successful company uses new technologies to achieve its goals. Social media is a fundamental area of technology. Social media can take ‘different shapes such as social networks, internet blogs, online forums, wikis, photographs, book-markings, and podcastsâ₠¬â„¢ (Miner, 2007, p. 73). Many people are currently using social media to exchange photos and information. Many societies and agencies are currently using social media to spread new ideas to their audiences (Miner 2007). Mobile devices and cell phones are making social networking possible. Businesses also stand to gain a lot from these modern technologies. The approach will ‘equip employees with skills, opportunities, information, and resources to improve performance’ (Harris Rae 2009, p. 29).Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ulrich identifies the best framework to support organisational performance. Businesses are always focusing on the best practices to achieve their goals. Managers can use Ulrich’s framework to make their firms successful. According to this framework, technological innovations can promote human resource (HR) practices (Luthans Yous sef 2007). The organisational process should identify the targeted objectives and goals. A collaborative approach will ensure every HR manager mentors and supports his or her employees (Armstrong 2006). The strategic focus will place the firm on the right path. The approach will also encourage more companies to embrace the use of social media. The above discussion explains how social media empowers both managers and workers. The HR team will also address the challenges affecting every employee in the firm. Scholars have used Strategic Choice Theory to support the use of social media in every business firm. The theory examines every force in the business environment. Social media is a powerful external factor that affects the effectiveness of every firm. Companies should make the best adjustments in order to achieve their potentials. Social media is currently becoming a critical force in every environment. The theory ‘offers three approaches towards adapting every feasible opti on’ (Pearlman Gates 2010, p. 252). Every business should consider the best strategy to become profitable. Strategic Choice Theory encourages leaders to consider every viable approach. The decision depends on the existing factors or forces in the society. The above theories support the use of social media in businesses towards better performances and HR practices. Social media supports many practices in a business. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical practice in every firm. HRM seeks to improve the level of business performance by supporting the changing needs of every worker. HR managers ensure every employee gets the best support and remuneration. The department formulates the best systems, strategies, and policies depending on the nature of the organisation (Bradley McDonald 2013). Social media is a critical tool towards better HR practices. HR managers can train, monitor, and recruit new workers using such social media resources.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Social Media specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social media promotes collaboration between employees and HR managers. The practice ensures every worker is contented with his or her working environment. Many HR managers have gained their objectives because of these social networks (Hausman Siekpe 2009). Social media also improves the quality of communication in every firm. Modern technologies ‘allow staff and managers to communicate using video-conferencing, online chats, and social networks’ (Bradley McDonald 2013, p. 63). The practice has helped managers monitor their employees and address the issues affecting their working environments (Bradley McDonald 2013). Social media discourages the formation of organisational hierarchies. Every employee wants to interact with his or her boss. The approach will ensure such employees engage in immediate decision-making processes. Social media p romotes the level of interaction between leaders and their employees. The practice has created new situations in many organisations. Many employees are now able to support their business goals using social media (Harris Rae 2009). The other benefit of social media is the ability to promote marketing. Companies can use mobile networks and social media resources to inform their customers about every new service or product. Such companies will attract more customers and eventually achieve their objectives. Companies can use different platforms such as and Google+ to improve their marketing strategies. Wal-Mart ‘uses social media to inform more consumers about its services’ (Moth, 2013, p. 2). Many companies ‘are now embracing social media to promote their products’ (Taufique Shahriar 2011, p. 18). Social media also encourages and supports electronic commerce (e-commerce). The internet has increased the number of services and goods purchased onli ne. This practice explains why e-commerce is common in many countries (Harris Rae 2009). Companies such as eBay and use social media to inform their customers about every new product.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A large number of companies are using social media networks to achieve their targets. Every customer wants to buy his or her product via the internet. Online business practices are becoming common today than ever before (Taufique Shahriar 2011). The above advantages explain why social media is relevant for every organisation. Social media is a major strength because it promotes business productivity. Social media has reduced the costs incurred by many organisations. Companies can use social media to support their employees. Every HR manager can use social media to empower his or her employees. This situation explains why social media remains critical for many businesses. Marketers and manufacturers can use the internet to communicate with their stakeholders and customers. The customers can provide immediate feedbacks about every service or product. Firms can use social media to identify the best market segments. Online marketing and targeting identifies various customers ‘dep ending on their needs and expectations’ (Kaplan Haenlein 2010, p. 64). Marketers use such segments to market their commodities successfully. Such firms can use ‘consumer behaviours, psychographics, and demographics to market their products’ (Singh 2009, p. 24). Business managers should consider the best strategies in order to place their organisations on the right path. Social media transforms every business practice and decision-making process. This discussion explains why many organisations are embracing the use of various online-based applications. Social media also has its share of weaknesses. According to Pearlman and Gates (2010), social media increases chances of hacking. Hackers can launch virus attacks or commit detrimental frauds. Such malpractices will affect the performance of every firm. Analysts have identified how social media can potentially reduce the level of employee commitment and productivity. Some employees will use social media application s for their personal gains. These employees ‘will become less productive if they are busy chatting with their friends or updating their statuses’ (Taufique Shahriar 2011, p. 16). Hackers can deceive most of these employees using various online traps. Such strategies will eventually result in identify theft or data loss. This practice can have detrimental impacts on the performance of every business. Social media can tarnish the image of an organisation (Norton 2011). Some employees may post new tweets or comments that might affect the company’s image. Wal-Mart Corporation is one of the primary retailers in many parts of the globe. The retailer focuses on the best opportunities and environmental forces in order to attain its business potentials (Pan Li 2011). Wal-Mart uses different social networks such as and to increase its online activities and presence. The HR managers at Wal-Mart use social media to communicate with their workers. T his practice has ‘supported the relationships between the employees and managers at Wal-Mart’ (Moth 2013, p. 2). Conclusion The current use of social networks has become a mandatory practice for many entrepreneurs and firms. Wal-Mart Corporation has remained a leading retailer in many nations across the world. The company also improves its HR practices using social networks such as Twitter and The above discussion explains why companies should use social media to improve their HR practices and business performances. Social media has become a requirement for many corporations. Social media has made Wal-Mart a leading competitor in its industry. Marketers can use social media to increase their sales and profits. According to Abraham (2012), social media increases the level of business profitability. Companies can create dynamic teams using social media applications. Corporations can also use social networks to make accurate and realistic HR decisions. Every business should also evaluate the challenges associated with social media such as hacking and data loss. This practice will improve the level of productivity. Reference List Abraham, S 2012, ‘Development of Employee Engagement Programme on the basis of Employee Satisfaction Survey’, Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 27-37. Armstrong, M 2006, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Limited, London. Bradley, A McDonald, M 2013, The Social Organisation: How to Use Social Media to Tap the Collective Genius of Your Customers and Employees, Harvard Business Review Press, Chicago. Harris, L Rae, A 2009, ‘Social networks: the future of marketing for small business’, Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 24-31. Hausman, A Siekpe, J 2009, ‘The effect of web interface features on consumer online purchase intentions’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 62, no. 1, p p. 5-13. Kaplan, A Haenlein, M 2010, ‘Users of the World, Unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media’, Business Horizons, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 59-68. Luthans, F Youssef, C 2007, ‘Emerging Positive Organisational Behavior’, Journal of Management, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 321-349. Miner, J 2007, Organisational Behavior: From theory to Practice, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Moth, D 2013, How Wal-Mart uses Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Web. Norton, C 2011, The Seven deadly disadvantages of Social Media. Web. Pan, B Li, X 2011, ‘The long tail of destination image and online marketing’, Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 132-152. Pearlman, D Gates, A 2010, ‘Hosting business meetings and special events in virtual worlds: A fad or the future’, Journal of Convention Event Tourism, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 247-265. Raymond, A 2011, Fundamentals of human resource management, McGraw-Hill, New York. Singh, K 2009, Organisational Behavior: Text and Cases, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Taufique, K Shahriar, F 2011, ‘Online Social media as a driver of buzz marketing: Who’s riding?’, Annual Conference on Innovations in Business Management, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-23. What Role Can Social Media Play For Your Business Organisation? 2014. Web. This essay on The Role of Social Media was written and submitted by user Cristopher Butler to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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